Monday, September 22, 2008

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!!!!

Since today is the first official day of fall and since I didn't have this blog during the summer, I felt the need to revisit some of our favorite times this summer. It's kind of sad to see the summer go (we had a great one!!!), but also exciting to see what the fall brings!!! These pictures include the lake, the beach, and fun times at the pool.

Not that great of a picture, but you have to take what they'll give you
My little thumb sucker (at the beach)

Sleepy boy, after a long day in the sun and sand

Nicholas in the hot tub

Grant on his boogie board, in the pool

My biggest baby boy

Grant catching his first fish at the lake with Pepka, notice Grant backing away from that HUGE FISH!!!!!!

Grant and Pepka fishing on the dock

Grant, Nana, Nicholas, And Mama at the pool at the beach

Nicholas and his water gun

At Harry T's in Destin (look at the beautiful sunset)

My sweet boys

My other sweet boy

Nicholas at the beach

4th of July at the lake

My 3 beautiful boys (We are so blessed)

Grant and Harrison trying on their goggles


GiGi said...

Loved the pics. Can't wait to see some more. They are growing up so fast.

Cortney said...

YEA, Amy! I love it when I have friends that join the blogging world! Your pictures are great; your boys are just gorgeous! Can't wait to read more!!!

Clay and J said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! So fun! Love all the pics--I can't believe how big Harrison is getting. Looking forward to future updates!