Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Night 2008

Halloween is such a fun holiday and I think this year the kids really got into the spirit of it. We had a crew (Nana, Papa, Pepka, Gi-Gi, Martha, Madeline, Lacy and Leslie) over to eat before we took the kids trick or treating. Grant really got into the whole trick or treat thing, Nicholas trick or treated at 1 house before heading home to pass out candy to our trick or treaters. Harrison probably had the most fun of all, we started him out in the wagon and he quickly decided it would be so much more fun to run, and that's what he did the rest of the night. He was being such a ham, cracking everybody up being so silly. I think he's going to be some sort of a performer when he grow up because he likes an audience. Halloween fun was had by all!!!!!

A rare picture of Nick with his wig on( he started out with a full face of clown makeup and I quickly took it off due to the fact that it ended up all over everything), along with Lacy, Grant and Harrison Grant and his school & neighborhood buddy Garrett

Mama with her little chickie and big boy ghost

Where's Harrison?????

Peek-a-boo (he did this time after time until he started doing it so fast that he bumped his head on he floor-uh-oh)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

That looks like it was a blast. Your "3 beautiful boys" were extremely artistic when carving the pumpkins!!! They have real talent!