Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving was spent at Pepka and GiGi's this year. Everyone had a great time with great food and company. The weather outside wasn't typical "Thanksgiving " weather and the kids enjoyed playing outside. After we left Pepka and Gigi's, we went by to have a piece of pie with Nana and PaPa and don't ask me why they decided to "strip down" when we got there. These pictures aren't in chronological order!

I have to cherish this picture, because hugs are rare for these two!!
Nana and Harrison

Nicholas playing peek-a-boo under the dinner table

GiGi (not to be confused with Gi-Gi, both pronounced different )playing with Harrison and Nicholas

Pepka and Gi-Gi washing dishes

Look at that sweet goofy grin

Ted and I trying to get a picture with Harrison (easier said than done)

Sweet baby Harrison running around outside

Uncle Beak and Aunt GiGi with Grant and Nicholas

The best picture of my 3 boys together (at least 2 are smiling)

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