Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter 2009

We had a great Easter (despite the weather). The boys got up early on Easter morning to see what the Easter bunny had brought them and we quickly got everyone ready for chuch. After church, we went over to Nana and Papa's for Easter lunch. The kids were excited to see all of the goodies they got over there!! We were pleasantly surprised that Uncle Beak and Aunt GiGi were able to come in from Fayetteville at the last minute. They are moving to Little Rock this summer and looked at a house that fell through at the last minute, and ended up buying it!!! Here are pictures from Easter day and the days leading up to it.

Family shot (you can't ever get all of them to smile)
Grant and Nicholas with Uncle Beak and Aunt GiGi (Harrison wouldn't cooperate)

Grant and Nicholas with Mama (notice Nicholas is without a sweater vest, right before leaving for church he spit a piece of chocolate candy out and it got all over the front of his sweater, this is typical Nicholas behavior and I have learned to just move on and not let the little things bother me!!! To quote Grant-mama it's all good!!!)

Nana with her boys!!

He is very photogenic if you catch him at the right second!!

Our 3 Beautiful Boys

Grant and Nicholas in the courtyard at church (don't you love the untucked shirt??)

They really do love each other, although I sometimes wonder!!!
Nicholas dying easter eggs
Grant with his easter eggs (right after his bath)On the deck dying eggs

Grant posing out front in his bunny ears he made at school

Harrison with his beautiful eye

Group shot
Grant and his "Harry D"

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